My installation in the group show Invision will be a 12 foot long by 8 foot wide by 15 foot high installation. I have started to make the frame for this installation. The process for creating this was to first find the least warped beams as possible. Beams this size can tend to be costly and also be bent slightly to make a curve. I picked the least warped, 1 inch by four inch by 8 foot, or 12 foot depending, beams I could find.

I measured and cut the edges of the beams at a 45 degree angle. I added wood glue and three sturdy screws per each corner of the frame. The difficult thing about working with this scale is that the super structure has to be incredibly sturdy in order to hold up 150 pounds of carvings. Luckily, Totem, my mentor and carpenter expert, taught me and helped me build this super structure, as I needed it to be impeccably made. I will add cross beams on Tuesday in order to make a grid that the carving may hang from. I will paint the entire structure the same shade white as the gallery in order to make the carvings the focus point rather than the structure.

I will rest the giant frame up on a twelve foot beam that I will screw into the gallery wall and screw it into place. I will then attach fifteen foot legs and screw those into place. The end result will be very sturdy. I will tie fifteen feet of clear filament to each of the carvings so that when I am in the gallery for the three days installing all I will have to do is tie them where I want them to go in order to create an interesting shadow on both the floor and the wall behind it.