It has become clearer than ever to me why graduate school is necessary. It is a place to further my journey alongside other artists. It is also a wonderful place to find myself, and find my where my work fits in the greater context of art history.
Yesterday, I visited a graduate school open house. It was fascinating to see just how different everyone is. It is also inspiring to see all of these artists and their tenacity and drive to do what they love: creating art. A helpful practice that the artists at this graduate school get are weekly critiques with their mentors. They also get the occasional hour long critiques with their peers.
I am absolutely in love with the ideas these artists have and am touched that so many of them were excited to talk with me about their work, and even my work. A few artists I made connections with offered to critique my work, or have coffee with me sometime to discuss graduate schools.
I am hopeful that graduate school is in my future next year. However, I know it needs to be in my future no matter how long it takes!
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